Libra sun, moon in Gemini, Virgo rising.


Karaoke mic hog.


Born and raised in NYC.

I cut. I fade. I dissolve. I am found. I film myself. I am found footage. I find myself in the montage. I assemble moving images, natural and artificial sound to create a narrative, or not. I am an editor. I hate the camera but I insert my own images anyway, bachelorette parties, street performers, my son at 5– because I feel invalid without them; because they are not actually “mine.” I borrow the familiar– monster movies, Motown singers, YouTube calamities/banalities because they belong to everyone; because they add the comfort of recognition. How these narratives butt up against the spaces in-between is also the subject, the matter, and creates a necessary slippage between what does and should happen. For me the juxtaposition is everything.